Interested in SIMA

Interested in SIMA? STEP 1

To be most helpful to you, we need to determine whether you have a serious job fit problem and its nature, initially among management and professional employees. To accomplish that, we would do motivational studies of each employee in these jobs and provide the employees with a report of their Motivational Pattern. From these Pattern Reports we would submit the following conclusions to you. You may want to start with fewer functions than shown, and add or substitute competencies for those shown.

Percentage of managers motivated to manage
Percentage of managers motivated to take risks
Percentage of managers motivated to make a profit
Percentage of managers motivated to plan
Percentage of managers motivated to confront employees

Percentage of researchers motivated to create new solutions or products
Percentage of researchers motivated to exploit potential
Percentage of researchers concerned about profitability

Percentage of engineers motivated to innovate
Percentage of engineers who are cost-wise
Percentage of engineers motivated to influence others

Percentage of sales personnel motivated to sell
Percentage of sales personnel who are cost-wise
Percentage of sales personnel who build relations

Percentage of HR personnel motivated to work with people
Percentage of HR personnel motivated to influence others
Percentage of HR personnel concerned about competitiveness


Basic Pattern $1500 ( $750 non-profit) Comprehensive Pattern $2500 ($1500 non-profit) plus travel expenses
Employee completes an Achievement Bio form; sends to SIMA Consultant
SIMA Consultant delivers Pattern Report and gives personal feedback

Corporate Job Fit Report: $250 for each employee covered
Consulting with Management about Job Fit Issue $2500/day
Consulting with Executive about individual cases $300/hr (approval sought)

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