
The M-CORE assessment is a product of more than 50 years of research into the achievement stories of human persons. This research, conducted by SIMA® International and its founder, Arthur Miller Jr., led to the discovery that when persons describe what they have deeply enjoyed doing and believe they have done well, they each express a unique recurring pattern of motivated behavior.   

SIMA® (or the System for Identifying Motivated Abilities®), a narrative based process, results in a motivational pattern of five interconnected parts oriented around what we call core motivations, the driving purposes or motivated ‘reasons’ for why people do what they do.

M-CORE, short for motivational core, was designed to help our clients understand the most important dimension of this pattern, the core motivations. Our approach is distinguished from other computer based assessments because it blends the personalized narrative approach of SIMA®—each client begins by briefly sharing four achievement stories—with psychometric constructs drawn from our empirical research.

This research has determined that there are about 27 different core motivational themes, expressed and combined in various ways. The M-CORE report identifies the top three of these out of this possible 27. They are ranked in order.  The first expresses the most dominant core motivation within three stories of achievement a client reflects upon while taking the assessment.  The 2nd and 3rd themes follow respectively.

The M-CORE is the first truly scalable SIMA® based assessment. Our hope is that many will use it to better understand and effectively develop the unique gifts with which they have been endowed.

MCORE was designed to be used in the context of coaching, discernment of calling and career, and team development.

Please contact Joshua Miller at [email protected] to get started.

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