
Books by Arthur F. Miller

As an employer, you have the job of making productive use of whatever each employee brings to the job. Unfortunately, you are likely uncertain when it comes to eliciting and understanding that goal. At SIMA International, we have a fifty year track record of opening the manager’s eyes to the unique potential of each employee.

So, how do we do it? The expensive way is for your to employ us to work with your employees and identify the unique contribution they bring to the job. A guaranteed result and well worth the money, but there is another option.

Read my books. Read as an employee needing to identify what you have to offer an employer. Read as a manager seeking to understand the process which produces that treasure about your employees.

Books Currently Available For Purchase


How God Shapes Our Lives

Designing Your Ideal Job

BY Arthur F. Miller

God designs and equips each person for a particular calling in life
People excel in the work and find it meaningful and satisfying
Irrefutable evidence that God is in charge of our lives
Thrilling for believers. Maddening for atheists. Fascinating for agnostics.
Hope for the discouraged. Rewards for the seekers. Difficult for churches

God’s strategy requires employers to assure job fit of employees
And churches to fully integrate faith and work.

LNF-ebookLook No Further

Your Identity is in Your Soul

BY Arthur F. Miller

Confronts the bias of psychologists and scientists
About the nature of the person; the imago Dei
Confronts the myth of natural selection and human evolution
Use the keys to the Kingdom locked in your soul
Get help from your employer or pastor
Seek to fully realize the treasure God gave you
Read more about LOOK NO FURTHER

Finding a Job You Can Love by Arthur F. Miller and Ralph T. MattsonFinding A Job You Can Love

BY Ralph T. Mattson, Arthur F. Miller

Understanding God’s Will
Responding to God’s Will
Work: God’s Idea
Spiritual Gifts and Natural Gifts
You cannot make it alone


Why You Can’t Be Anything You Want To Be

ebook-WhyYouCantBeAnythingYouWantToBeThe Power of Uniqueness

BY Arthur F. Miller

Six solid chapters on giftedness and human design.
The Power of Uniqueness by Arthur F MillerBasics on discovering your giftedness.
Welcoming the pattern that guides your destiny.
Operating characteristics of your giftedness.
Transforming education, work and religion.
DIY Discover Your Design.
Read more about these releases

ebook_design_for_lifeDesigned for Life

Hard-Wired – Empowered – Purposed

The Birthright of Every Human Being

BY Arthur F. Miller

Culture of ‘becoming’ traps everyone
Strategy for losers designed_for_life_print

Giftedness frees everyone
Playing to strengths
A new paradigm—a live faith—a new life
A new science of the person
Stewardship of your giftedness; key to the good life

Read more about Designed for Life

Becoming Who You Are Designed to Be  (Workbook)

Collaboration of Kim Miller and Bill Burns


Your MAP is too important to be reviewed and then merely filed away.

Read more about Becoming Who You Are Designed to Be


Books authored by Arther F. Miller, but no longer available for purchase

The Truth About You by Arthur F. Miller and Ralf T. Mattson

The Truth About You

BY Arthur F. Miller, Ralph T. Mattson

Getting into the details of finding your destiny
Building your life on your giftedness
Career Implications of your design
Defining your ideal job
Defining needed relationships



Bibliography on SIMA®

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